White and beige living room with off-white double pinch drapery panels. White arm chairs in centre and long wooden coffee table

Project Northfield

Beautiful white pinch pleated drapery frame out the breezy decor in this sweet home.

It was such a joy to work on this project, not only because our client's home is gorgeous but because she was our first drapery client! We made her off-white double pinch drapery panels (quickly becoming a Hemme signature style) for her living and dining room. She paired them with rattan shades creating a stunning combination. That's how you dress a window! 

White and beige living room with off-white double pinch drapery panels. White arm chairs in centre and long wooden coffee table

She carried the look over to her dining room, giving the open floor plan a cohesive look.

Round wood table with white chair with with off-white double pinch drapery panels in background

With all the light and breezy elements, the simple black hardware frames the windows and adds some dimension. Well done!

Off-white double pinch drapery panels detail

We would love to help you with your drapery, fill out the drapery form to get started.

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